Glenside Lions were invited to attend the official opening of the verandah and BBQ at the Glen Osmond Scout Hall in Ridge Park. Lion Yee Cheng represented Glenside Lions Club. Also present were Minister David Pisoni, Scouts, Cubs and Joeys leaders and parents of the kids. It was an excellent night where Joeys, Cubs and Scouts had a lot of fun. Cub master Rocky said their Scout Group is always on the move because they are a part of the Scouts Movement. There was a presentation of badges earned by Joeys, Cubs and Scouts followed by the BBQ cooked by Scout Master Joe. The extension has space for storage of tents and other equipment. There is also space for the Club trailer which is used for transporting equipment for camping. Plus a spacious open space for meetings and activities. This is especially good for rainy nights in winter when meetings are on. All these are made possible by our donation of $11,000. You can see from the photos that the kids had a great time.