Glenside Lions Handover

New Club Officials Mayor of City of Burnside Anne Monceaux Our Club Handover this year was held on 22 June at Damian on Fisher restaurant in Fullarton. Our guest of honour this year is Her Worship the Mayor of City of Burnside Anne Monceaux. Mayor Anne is a great...

Membership Campaign

Glenside Lions are actively campaigning for new members. We have started a membership enquiries service at the Bookmart. This is part of our Diversity and Inclusion effort.

Hearing Screening

Glenside Lions conducted hearing screening at the Bookmart on 24, 25 and 27 June in conjunction with Hearing Australia from their van parked in front of the Bookmart.Hearing Australia has been helping South Australians recover their hearing through government funded...

Bookmart Extension

We have extended the Children’s section of our Bookmart (in the upstairs area). There is a much bigger selection of books, and they are organised under authors’ names. Please have a look when you next visit.