Become Involved at Glenside Lions Club
Why not join our Club? We are always looking for new members.
Please read on for more information.
One more member at Glenside Lions Club gives us two more hands to do service in our community, at home and internationally. Diversity and Inclusion is an important aspect of our Club’s mission. We believe this is important to us as we carry out our mission of service.
Membership at Glenside Lions Club in South Australia is open to everyone in our local community. If you feel that you would like to be part of your community activity in a very positive and satisfying way, then membership of the Lions Club of Glenside may be for you. Please send us your contact details and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Our email address is
Not only will you be working for the benefit of local charities and organisations that provide services and resources for people in need, but you will be supporting the wider activities of the prestigious Lions Clubs International organisation. You will also enjoy a wonderful social rapport with your fellow members, working together to achieve common goals and objectives. Our members contribute whatever time they can afford and they make the most of this time to benefit our community.
The Club holds two meetings per month. On the second Wednesday there is a business meeting at the Burnside Community Centre. On the fourth Wednesday we have a social dinner meeting, usually at the Robin Hood Hotel and with a guest speaker, to which members’ partners are invited.
President – Leonie Varga
Immediate Past President – John Standingford
1st VP / Chairperson Admin & Membership – Anne Bayetto
2nd VP / Chairperson Financial Support – Peter Keam
Chairperson Activities/Services – Steve Ryan
Membership Chairperson – Frank Bowering
Secretary – Malcolm Schluter
Treasurer – Hayden Edwards
Lion Tamer – Neil Thomson
Club Administrator and Public Officer – Ron Glasson
Public Relations – Cathy Greven (Assistant: John Standingford)
Bookmart Manager – Evan Jenkins (Assistant: Ann Mattschoss)
Art Show Director – Cathy Greven
Social Functions Coordinator – Frank Bowering
Fundraising Activities
The Glenside Lions Club has three major fundraising sources-
- The Glenside Lions Bookmart – At 4 Kennaway St., Tusmore. Staffed by a wonderful group of volunteers, plus Club members and their partners on a roster basis, the Bookmart sells all kinds of books and is open Friday to Monday all year round. Donations of books are always welcome. [Telephone (08) 8332 1738]
- The Glenside Lions Art Show – is an annual event held in October or November. It has become quite famous for the quality of the works offered, and has developed a loyal following of artists, patrons and sponsors. It starts with a Gala Opening and remains open for five days. Like the Bookmart, the Art Show is staffed by Club members and partners, augmented by volunteers from the charitable organisation chosen as each year’s beneficiary.
- Lions Cakes, Puddings and Mints – These are available all year round from the Bookmart.
Community Services
- In collaboration with other Lions Clubs in our District, we offer children’s vision screening at schools, sports clubs and community centres. This requires three-stage training and Working With Children Clearance. Four checks reveal potential defects that require full testing by an optometrist.
The Bookmart makes a convenient centre for food donations to Foodbank; periodic free testing by Hearing Australia; and information from Burnside Council on reuse and recycling.