Our monthly newsletter ePride, is sent out to members and subscribers regularly.
Annual Art Show. The Glenside Lions Club Art Show is an annual event, held in October at the Burnside Ballroom and has been running most successfully for over 30 years. Overall this event has raised in excess of $400,000 for community projects within the Burnside Council area as well as outside groups providing services to the community.
Bookmart. Our Bookmart is the “flag-ship” of the Club’s fundraising efforts. This has enabled our Lions Club to donate over $2 million to charitable causes – locally, nationally and globally. All club members work shifts on the sales desk, and their efforts are supplemented by those of almost 20 volunteers who sort, categorise, price and shelve the hundreds of books that are donated every week. Thanks to this large unpaid workforce the Bookmart is able to open four days a week (Friday to Monday) and achieve annual revenue in excess of $200,000.
Leo Club. The Leo Club at Glenunga International High School is sponsored by our Club and encouraged to engage in community service projects that the members themselves devise and run.
Children’s Vision Screening. This has long been a priority for Lions globally, under the Lions Eye Health Program (LEHP). Glenside Lions is now collaborating with other Lions Clubs to run screening sessions in schools, sports clubs and community centres in South Australia. There’s a 3-stage training program to achieve accreditation, and Working With Children Clearance is a prerequisite. The Club’s LEHP Coordinator is Peter Keam (tel 0409 177 767).
Foodbank Collections. Once or twice a year Lions Clubs are involved in collecting food donations for Foodbank. The Bookmart is an ideal hub for this purpose, and in 2023 collected a quarter of a tonne of food for Foodbank’s Christmas Hamper Appeal.