Eye Bank of South Australia’s New ML7 Microkeratome

Our guest speaker in March was Tamme Golding-Holbrook, the Acting Eye Bank Manager at the Eye Bank of South Australia, Flinders Medical Centre. She was accompanied by Ross Verchoor, Head of Development, Flinders Foundation. She presented a short history of Lions Clubs...

Lions Skin Cancer Screening Unit

Glenside Lions have donated another $5000 in March towards the running costs of the Lions Skin Cancer Screening Unit. The unit is managed by Districts 201 C1 and C2, and has been carrying out free skin cancer screenings throughout the two districts since March 2017....

Classrooms for Cosi’s Cows for Cambodia

Glenside Lions recently donated $5000 to Cosi’s charity Cows for Cambodia and this is what they have done. They have equipped two classrooms and supported teachers for the children in the village near Phnom Penh. 400 students benefited from this project. You can...

Lions Awareness Day at Glenside Lions Bookmart

Our Lions Awareness Day at the Glenside Lions Bookmart on Saturday 3 March was a success. We had many visitors to our stall to have a look at what Lions do in our community, and what Glenside Lions do in particular. The sausage sizzle was a crowd favourite and kids...